
...Ribs裡頭一句歌詞寫著,Itfeelssoscary,gettingold我想是概括了整首歌的主題:向無憂的年紀永別、並面對成長的不安.悶響而緊湊的bass推進 ...,“Ribs”isanethereallamentaboutadolescence,andthebittersweetexperienceofgrowingup.Lordehassaidsheespeciallylikesthesong.Whoproduced“Ribs”byLorde?·Whowrote“Ribs”byLorde?·BuzzcutSeason,ListentoRibsonSpotify.Song·Lorde·2020.,Lordeherselfhasadmittedthat“Ribs”isanexp...

Lorde - Ribs 歌詞翻譯介紹(含歌詞註解):蘿兒

... Ribs 裡頭一句歌詞寫著,It feels so scary, getting old 我想是概括了整首歌的主題:向無憂的年紀永別、並面對成長的不安. 悶響而緊湊的bass 推進 ...

Lorde – Ribs Lyrics

“Ribs” is an ethereal lament about adolescence, and the bittersweet experience of growing up. Lorde has said she especially likes the song. Who produced “Ribs” by Lorde? · Who wrote “Ribs” by Lorde? · Buzzcut Season

Ribs - song and lyrics by Lorde

Listen to Ribs on Spotify. Song · Lorde · 2020.

Lorde's “Ribs” is a misunderstood masterpiece

Lorde herself has admitted that “Ribs” is an exploration of aging, which is something that stresses her — and almost everyone else — out.

Ribs - Lorde

Ribs. The drink you spilt all over me. Lover's Spit left on repeat. My mom and dad let me stay home. It drives you crazy, getting old.

Sooo why Ribs? : rlorde

A well made song that really incapsulates the feeling of losing your youth/growing up. For me is it's so nostalgic feeling and just a song that has been there ...


Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Ribs · Lorde Pure Heroine ℗ 2013 Universal Music NZ Ltd. Released on: 2013-01-01 Producer, ...

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